Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sleepover with the 3 Stooges!

2nd Set of Tubes

Ashlyn is a champ!  She was such a big girl going in for her second set of tubes...she played the whole time we were waiting in pre-op and even let Nurse Patty carry her back (with her new friend, the piggy) to the operating room WITHOUT even crying!  Made it so much easier on me!  The procedure went great and she came off of anesthesia a lot better than the first time.  She was pretty calm after about 5 minutes so we just rocked and watched Diego until we could be released.  We were in and out of the hospital in 2 and half hours!  Then, we got to spend the rest of the day at home snuggling!

6th Birthday!

Caiden had a wonderful 6th birthday!  He got to go to Chili's (of course) with Bebe and Grandma after his favorite b-fast of donuts and a day of playing Mario with Daddy.  We went to the Wylie fire stations for his party the next day and it turned out perfect!  He had lots of friends come and was one lucky kid making out with so many new toys!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6th Annual New Years Sleepover

The Stewards (and Nick) came over for New Years this year!  We figured out it was our 6th year to do a sleepover on new Years...not worrying about being on the road and playing games in our pajamas has become the staple celebration for us!  The boys always have a blast together, and Ashlyn was so in awe of baby Cooper.  Love our little traditions!

Christmas Again!

Casey, Steven, & Connor were able to spend a few days in Dallas after Christmas.  We went to see the trains at North Park Mall and spent a lot of time playing at the house!  The kids have so much fun chasing each other around (while I'm trying not to have a panic attack from all of the running!

Painting with a Twist

Whitney invited me to go to Painting with a Twist with her and Monica...the painting was an owl and is perfect for Ashlyn's room!  We had a blast and can't wait to go back with a big group (and more wine!) The owls turned out super cute and it was surprisingly way easier than I anticipated!

 Caiden wasn't too thrilled that Ashlyn got a painting for her room so we took the kids to a dinosaur painting and they loved it!  Ready to go again!!!

The Hazelwood Headlines