Friday, August 8, 2008


Today was our graduation ceremony for my master's degree at UNT!'s finally really over =) The day took a little different turn than we anticipated. Caiden was up all Thursday night with a fever, and still had it today. Jon ended up staying home with him, having to miss graduation. I was running off of three hours of sleep so although it was worth going, I was ready to be back home in my PJ's!

Mom, Dad, and Mimi came to the ceremony and they got to meet my closest friends in the program. We went to dinner at a new restaurant that took the place of an old favorite, The Texas Hamburger Factory in Lewisville. The food was good but we were a little disappointed because it just wasn't the same.

Mom and dad have all of the pictures on their camera so I'll post a few once I get them =)


Amanda said...

Congrats Debbie! I am so happy for you. Let me know if I can help with ANYTHING at the school. I would love to come up there one day and help out! :)

Tiffany said...

Congrats on your graduation!!!

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