Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bad Things Come in Three's

So Caiden still has yucky diapers but the fever he picked up has gone. Jon went to the high school football games yesterday and while he was at Humperdinks with the guys afterwards, he started to feel sick. He left after a few minutes after being there, and ended up getting sick driving on 635. Not the easiest times to deal with that. By 11, I started to feel yucky but just thought it was all in my head since Caiden and now Jon were both sick. NOPE, it hit me by midnight. I think it's passing through us a lot quicker than poor Caiden though.

On top of having to cancel the cookie exchange, I am now having to back out of going to lunch and a movie with some of my friends =( If I feel better by lunch,maybe I'll just go to the movie!!! Not a fun weekend!

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