Thursday, February 12, 2009

When It Rains It Pours...

We got an unexpected phone call that Mimi, my dad's mom, had a seizure on Tuesday.  We were told that the surgery to remove the blood from her brain was going to be too hard on her and that she would be a vegetable for the rest of her life if she survived it.  According to the Dr. she had severe brain damage.  Dad didn't want to take her ventilator out on Tuesday night and had made plans to do it Wednesday afternoon.  However, she started responding to the nurse's commands and now things have completely turned around.  They feel like we won't know the extent of her recovery unless we do the surgery.  Dad is meeting with the surgeon this morning and I think she will go in for surgery this afternoon.  One minute we were planning the funeral and now we have hope!

Caiden woke up with pink eye again and I lost my voice so we are home today relaxing.  Sister flies in this afternoon and we should make it to the hospital by the time Mimi is out of surgery. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh, Debbie, I am so sorry to hear that. Glad things are looking up though with Mimi. :) Relax as much as you can today; sounds like you need it!

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