Thursday, December 24, 2009

A White Christmas!!!

Seriously...75 degrees on Wednesday and today...SNOW! So crazy-that's Texas weather for ya! Here are some captured moments from our Winter Wonderland Christmas Eve excitement.
The front and backyard!

We started the evening out going to Bebe and Poppy's house and enjoyed Poppy's homemade vegetable soup. Perfect dinner for such a cold evening! We each got to open one present (plus the envelopes on the tree!) and then we headed back to our house so we could watch The Polar Express and get ready for Santa!

TT and Sean in their matching PJ's and TT with Caiden (in his new tractor PJ's!)

Getting ready for the big night watching The Polar Express!

Time for reindeer food! It was FREEZING outside!

Putting out the milk and cookies...

Grandma came to spend the night!!!

Sean and Jon

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Ha - Tiffany & Sean's matching PJs crack me up :o)

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