Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Lazy Weekend

We spent much of the weekend doing nothing and I loved it! Usually I like to know what we need to get done but for once, I just went with it! Although we did get the house picked up, laundry done, and groceries bought, most of time was spent playing with Caiden and just taking it easy trying to stay warm from the unusual cold weather we have!
We decided to make a pallet on the floor by the fireplace on Sat. and camped out for dinner and the big Cowboy's game! Caiden loved it. Jon and I even put a movie on after the game and slept out in the living room! Gotta do things out of the normal to stay young!

Here's a captured moment from the football father like son!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

We made a pallet this weekend too - so fun!

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