Saturday, May 15, 2010

Barrett's B-day Party!

Barrett's Party was at the spray park in Allen...great weather although the water was a little chilly! Didn't really matter-Caiden didn't want anything to do with it! He just wanted to play on the big playground! He managed to stand in a puddle about 1/16th of an inch deep and stick his hand in once! Barrett on the other hand was runny around like crazy! Fun times!

Addi, Caiden, Barrett, and Wyatt

"Um, no thanks!"

This is actually as close as he got...chicken!

Cupcakes! B was so happy!

1 comment:

The Barner Bunch said...

Thanks for coming!!! We had so much fun. We'll give it another shot soon (on a hotter day). We can do what we did back in August...and venture out that way after school. We'll let the boys play in the water..AND on the playground. I'll chase Caiden and you can watch Barrett!!!!
And yeah...when the kid's lips were turning a shade of blue, I decided it was time to go home! ha

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